Monday, September 17, 2012

Now that Alopecia Awareness month is upon us, what are you going to do to celebrate?

Here are a few ways you can take part:

  • Buy your tickets to the Let Your Hair Down Event in New Jersey to benefit the National Alopecia Areata Foundation! You'll be able to visit with me, and my gorgeous flower girls!!!
  • Contact your local school and ask to make a presentation on Alopecia to a classroom. Every little bit helps!
  • LIKE the Children's Alopecia Project on Facebook to stay up-to-date with their events! Several are happening this month ALL over the country!!!
  • Attend one of the NAAF events as they have paired with Major League Baseball Teams across the country! Find your local team, and attend!
  • Post your story online so others can learn about Alopecia! If you post it in the Facebook Group, "Kayla's Corner for Women & Kids with Hair Loss" you could be featured as my next guest blogger!
So what will you be doing this month to bring awareness to Alopecia?

Log on to Facebook, join the group, and let us know!

Happy Baldie Month!!


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

My goodness, I can't believe it's been so long since my last post! Much has happened in the past few weeks, and hopefully I will become a stronger woman from them.

Life brings along many hardships, as we all know. And I have always been proud to say that of all the obstacles I have worked to overcome, my hair loss is one that I think of less and less. Every person will face challenges, and if you are reading this blog I presume that either you or a loved one will have to face the challenge of losing your hair.

A few years ago I used the phrase, "it's just hair" or "I'd rather lose my hair than have ____," (you get the point). And while I continually focus my references in a general direction, so as not to offend someone, today I stand by those statements.

My mother has been diagnosed with cancer, and it has already begun to spread. My father is mentally disabled and unable to work or drive as a result. And I have a portfolio full of conditions that makes me afraid to walk or run alone, just in case I pass out. Admittedly, these last two sentences may seem minor in the grand scheme of things, but this is proof to me that my hair loss falls short in the book of my worries.

So, for those of you who have said, "Yes, I might be bald but at least I'm not _____," or ".... at least I am alive and healthy," -- good for you! Don't apologize for that. That is your own journey, and your own way of viewing your hair loss. I commend you for your optimism; please don't ever change it!

And for those of you who have hair loss at the top of your list of worries, please know that that is okay, too! We all have our own stresses- our own mountains to climb.

But, if this it at the top of your list, I encourage you today to take a moment and find the good in what you have been given to deal with. Find a moment today to be grateful that if you do have Alopecia, like me, that it isn't life threatening. It may be life-changing.... It may totally suck sometimes.... but it isn't __(fill in the blank)  .

Before I run, I want you to know that this is not meant to make you feel bad for any struggle you may have with your hair loss. We all struggle. I struggle with different things every day. All I ask is that as a group, in honor of Alopecia (aka Baldie) Month, you take a moment to find gratitude for the fact that we are alive, that a cure is on it's way, and that we have each other for support!

Many blessings,
