Happy Monday everyone!
Lately there has been so much chatter about the differences among organizations related to hair loss, and the varied approaches they take. Some focus specifically on Alopecia research while others focus directly on support. Which side do you stand on?
Within the Alopecia Community there are a handful of prominent organizations. Later, I will post a blog for each of the organizations to highlight them individually! The National Alopecia Areata Foundation is the most commonly known within the United States for being a source of support and research. But, the Global Alopecia Mission was created recently based upon gaps the creator has seen in NAAF's research efforts to find a cure. Then, there are organizations like the Children's Alopecia Project that primarily focuses on the support of children coping with their hair loss.
With any situation where there are several organizations working seperately to meet the needs of one community- there will be issues. Some coexist very well and even choose to support each other. I know that the Children's Alopecia Project encourages families to be involved in whatever programs meet their needs. NAAF feels the same way- if a child would like to attend the NAAF Conference and Alopeciapalooza (CAP Sponsored Children's Camp), then they should!
When it comes right down to it, the question one should answer for themselves is- which is more important to you, research for a cure or support?
Now you might be thinking- why do we have to choose? I agree! In a perfect world we could have both. Some believe they have found just that within the National Alopecia Areata Foundation. Others feel that NAAF is not putting enough funding into their research.
Would you rather an organization hold frequent fundraisers and solicit donations to faciliate legitimate research so we may better understand Alopecia Areata? Would you rather "move forward" and focus on maintaining or creating a positive outlook while meeting others who can relate to you?
Naturally, only you can answer that.
Join the conversation on the Facebook Group- Kayla's Corner for Women & Kids with Hair Loss! Or tweet your thoughts to @MissDelaware10. Be sure to follow our updates as well @hairlossdotcom
Have a great week everyone!