Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Does money play a factor in how you cope?

Hey everyone!

We've talked quite a lot about wigs, and their role in the way we all handle our hair loss. And we have talked about the different types of wigs and hair replacement options available. We've briefly noted the variety in treatments as well. But, rarely have we discussed the investment in each of these.

When I was younger, I chose to try cortisol injections for approximately six months. My mother researched to see if our medical insurance would provide any coverage for the treatments...
Our family has always been very financially conscious, and naturally the finances would play a role in whether or not I choose to try something new that isn't proven to help.

Thankfully, my mother researched and discovered that our medical insurance provided minimal coverage of the cortisol injections- so I though I should give them a try!

After quite a few rounds of treatment, and seeing quite a bit of growth- I knew we had made the right choice to try something new! But, when I ceased my treatment routine, the new hair fell out. It was then I knew that I didn't want to put forth the money constantly to go through that pain for the rest of my life.

And when I started searching for wigs, money was my second largest concern. First, was that the way look and feel natural- otherwise it wasn't worth any amount of money to me. Budget was such a large stressor that not only did my parents, friends, fiance', and in-laws-to-be chip in... But so did many of my Miss Delaware supporters like my local director/mentor, Laura Mattey (who introduced me to Mario!). It was quite a communal effort. Without so much support, I would not have been able to afford such a beautiful hair piece. But my experience is proof that anything is possible!

Every route of coping with your hair loss may involve money. Whether you choose to wear a wig, wear false eyelashes, seek medical treatment or homeopathic treatment, or even flying to a national conference to attend support groups and  informational sessions- all involve a financial commitment. Some more than others, of course- but, money nonetheless.

How does money play a role in the way you (and your loved ones) cope with your hair loss? Do you stray away from the more expensive options like Custom Fit European Hair Wigs? Do you jump at any opportunity that is within your budget- like fad diet changes, natural vitamins or boxed synthethic wigs?

Does money deter you from coping the way you would have hoped? Or do your finances help you by showing you there are always new doors to be opened?

I would love to hear what you think! Please join the Facebook Group- Kayla's Corner for Women & Kids with Hair Loss
or tweet your thoughts to @MissDelaware10

Sending love and best wishes to you!

How has money played a role in the way you cope with your hair loss?

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