Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Holiday Wishes

Hi everyone!

I have some great posts coming up for you all in the new year- including a few fun tutorials! But, for this week I thought I would reflect on the holidays and some of the recent messages I have received.

With the support work I do for women with hair loss, I receive quite a few messages each day. Just recently I have noticed the vast difference in each of those messages which showcases the different ways we women cope with change.

One woman sent me a note saying that all she wanted for Christmas was for her daughter's hair to grow back. And that her New Year resolution would be to fundraise money for Alopecia research to find a cure.

Another young woman, sent me a note saying that her Christmas present to herself was to stop complaining and worrying about her hair loss and to find a new and improved outlook.

These messages had me reflecting on past holidays in my life. I know last Christmas, my greatest wish would have been to become Miss America in January. Three holidays ago, I was wishing to save enough money to be able to afford the wig that I had fallen in love with! And twelve Christmases ago, I was curious if my hair was ever going to grow back, or not.

While I know that every person is different- I have learned that the greatest gift you can give yourself is love and positivity. You may not be able to make your hair grow back, or you may not have the hair you absolutely love. The one thing you can control is your outlook on the situation, and learn to love yourself just as you are.

This holiday season, whether you are celebrating Hannukah, Christmas or just time with your family, I encourage you to give yourself the greatest gift of all- love. For some people that may mean seeking a salon to find the perfect wig for them, so they can look in the mirror and love what they see. For others, that may mean learning to look in the mirror just as they are and still love what they see. There is no price or pretty packaging you can put on that.

So do me a favor this holiday- wake up in the morning, and enjoy being with your friends and/or family. But give yourself a gift and look in the mirror that night. Then say out loud (even if it feels awkward!) that you are beautiful. Because you are.

I am sending you all lots of love and sweet hugs from our Christmas in Delaware to your holidays across the country. Have a safe and joyous week everyone!
**This is me without makeup, and of course, Bridgette is sans makeup as well :) Tweet me your pictures of your holiday @missdelaware10 or @hairlossdotcom I'd love to see how you are celebrating!

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