Monday, February 27, 2012

Sick Days Suck.

So, for the past few days I've had what might be the beginning of the flu or some sort of virus. I had a day in between where I thought the symptoms had subsided, but alas, they are back. Whenever I have these days where I feel like death, the icing on the cake is looking exactly as I feel.

If you, too, have lost your hair, you are probably well-accustomed to the random stares of people who assume you have cancer. For those of you readers who have undergone chemotherapy treatments, I can't imagine how you deal with those stares all the time... But for those of you with Alopecia of any sort, I am sure you just wish you could wear a sign sometimes that says, "I'm not sick." (or something of that nature)

Well today I decided to go ahead and attend my classes as usual even though I was vomitting throughout the night. I woke up with limited strength, not even feeling up to showering. So of course, I threw on a clean pair of sweatpants, brushed my teeth, and headed out the door leaving behind any eyeliner or wigs...

Honestly, we all have those days where the last thing we feel like doing is worrying about anything other than getting two feet out the door. And even though I keep most of my wigs styled on a mannequin, I just didn't feel like taking the moment to throw it on. So, off I went without hair or makeup...

Now I know I don't deserve a Nobel Peace Prize for this since I do this all the time, along with thousands of other women... But, when you aren't feeling so well- people can tell. So while on campus a woman came up to me and asked what kind of cancer I have...

It's been a while since I've been asked that question... But my hair has started to fall out again so I shaved it this weekend. And my face was stripped of color and life was probably draining from my eyes because of how I felt. I'm sure each of those played a factor. Over the past thirteen years, I've been asked quite a few times whether or not I have cancer. But, since it had been a while, it got me thinking!

I don't want you to think the moral of the story is to go out and get even more dolled up when you are under the weather- I just wanted to share a story that I am sure most of you ladies can relate to! We are all human, and we all have yucky off days where we simply feel like curling up under the covers and hibernating for a few days. And if you are like me and makeup and wigs feels like too much for those days, then more power to you :)

On a personal note- my temperature has leveled out and I kept down some soup for lunch, so I think I am on the road to recovery! :)

So let me ask you- how do you respond to those awful sick days? Do you typically push through and put on the eyeliner and your wig or do you go out as is and let people think what they want?

Leave your thoughts on Kayla's Corner of Facebook! And don't forget to follow me on twitter @MissDelaware10 or the rest of the crew @hairlossdotcom

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Adult Q & A

Hey there everyone!

I decided it was about time to answer all of your questions in one, fun blog post! Over the past few years I have received emails and Facebook messages with some really great questions, and I figured, if one person is curious, others might be, too! Don't worry, I've left them anonymous.

Just a heads up- these are mostly adult-related questions, so wait for a later post to read the kids version of the Q&A :)

  1. Should I workout in the gym with my wig on? What do I need to do?
    This is definitely up to you! I never workout with my wig on but I have danced with it on for several performances (including the Miss America Pageant!). If you do opt to wear your wig during a workout (and don't use and adhesive) I suggest you plan ahead and put some baby powder on your scalp to absorb extra moisture. Also, maybe consider using tape if you are afraid the wig could fall off during the commotion.
  2. Has anyone ever accused you of trying to draw attention to yourself on the days you don't wear your wig?
    Never! But I have worried about that before, so I completely understand your thought. When one of my best friends got married she told me that I could come without my wig (since she loves my natural look!) but I was too afraid it would seem like I was trying to draw attention to myself. Most people don't over think things as much as we assume they do. Wear your wig whenever you see fit. If you don't feel like wearing it, your friends will applaud your confidence and strength for wanting to be without it that day.
  3. I've had my wig for three years now, and keep trimming the ends. How do I know when enough is enough and I need to buy a new wig?
    I had my first wig for two years and Mario Rispoli kept trimming the ends for me until finally the length that I loved was gone. We decided it was time to donate the wig to a local women's cancer center when the hair was chin-length and the cap was stretched out. At that point, I decided it was time for a  new wig. I suggest you purchase a new wig as soon as you can (no urgency) and transition into the new one. That way your current wig is still wearable and your don't have to move on so quickly to a new style.
  4. Is it wrong to not tell a guy about my hair loss when we first start dating?
    Of course not! No one expects you to share your complete medical rap sheet with them on the first date. But, for the sake of your future relationship, I suggest being as open and honest with him as you can. Maybe mention that you have (insert condition here) and see if he knows anything about it. This could be on your second, third, even fourth date. Then open the dialogue and see where it goes. Trust your instincts.
  5. How should I keep my wig on during sex?
    I say, treat sex the same way you would exercise! If you prefer to tape your wig while in the gym, maybe you should in the bedroom, too. If your wig is well fitted and does not need any tape on a daily basis, then it should be just fine. Just know, things happen, and it could slip off. Consider looking into either a well-fit wig with the resistance strips structured in the cap to keep it from slipping. Otherwise, tape is the best (worry-free) option.
  6. I bond my wig and it gets so uncomfortable and tacky in the heat- what should I do?
    You may be using too much adhesive. If you are using tape, this may be due to the quality of the product. A good trick is putting the tape a little further back so you can lift up the hairline and dry off any sweat. In the meantime, try a different product.
  7. I get red bumps on the bald spots on my head- is this normal?
    Yes! Some people's skin is a little more sensitive than others. Give your scalp some time to breathe (from products and wigs). If you have been using the same kind of soap for ages, then it's safe to say you aren't allergic to it. But still there is a reason for the irritation. Your scalp is skin, just like the rest of your body's surface so be sure to gently wash it and moisturize when necessary. Use sensitive skin products and be gentle with it. Don't treat the bumps like pimples! If the bumps worsen or spread, make an appointment with a dermatologist.
  8. I've had Alopecia Areata on my head for years, now I have no hair in my female area. Is this normal?
    Yes! Don't worry, the nature of AA is that it is unpredictable. This could include change in size of bald spots, change in location of bald spots and so on. Unless there are other symptoms that are worrying you in that region- I'd say you are just fine!
  9. I have AU and sometimes get red bumps on my skin in all sorts of places. How do I know if they are pimples or something else?
    Just like friend #7, you have a tricky (but worry-free) situation. It is hard to tell the difference between a minor irritation, a pimple, an ingrown hair and so on. Be careful what products you use on the area- but never try to "pop" the bumps on your head, as if they are pimples. You can get infections this way or cause worse irritations. Assume it is just a minor irritation and wait for it to take its course. If it spreads, is painful, grows or worsens in any way, make an appointment with a dermatologist.
  10. Everyone thinks I have cancer. People pay for my coffee all the time. Do I accept the gifts or tell them I don't have cancer? (From a woman with Alopecia Totalis)
    I get this question all the time, so you aren't alone! This is another case of, do what makes you most comfortable. I've had this happen to me plenty of times, and it never gets more comfortable to approach. I do believe honesty is the best way to handle it because it  gives you a chance to educate one more person- BUT, if you have two kids with you tugging at your pant legs and tearing down store shelves and you urgently need to vacate the premises, by ALL means... let them think what they want!

    I hope this answers the questions you sent in! Thank you (so much) for you candor and honesty! Feel free to send me a message with your questions and I will answer them all anonymously in another post! Be sure to follow my twitter updates @MissDelaware10 and join the Facebook group, Kayla's Corner for Women & Kids with Hair Loss for great conversation and support! Looking for more information on your hair loss questions? Visit!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Synthethic vs. Human Hair (Part One)

When a woman loses her hair, she has a big initial decision to make, regardless of her circumstance.
Should I buy a wig?

If you decide- yes - I suggest your first step be to figure out your price range and decide how much you would like to spend on a piece. Every woman's circumstance is different- if you are going through chemotherapy, you may not want to make a large investment in a hair piece, because your hair loss could be short-lived.  But, if you have Alopecia Universalis, you might want to consider something with long-term benefits.

You have probably already figured out that synthetic hair is typically substantially less expensive than human hair. The reason for this is because synthetic wigs are not always made with the same integrity that human hair wigs are these days. Most synthetic hair is heat sensitive, which means you should put away your straighteners and curling irons! Also, it is rare that you find a synthetic wig with the ability to be customized in color and style. However, if you purchase a synthetic wig you are less likely to create serious damage to the quality of the hair because you won't be coloring it, applying heat or over-styling!

Some synthetic hair wigs may seem a little shinier than human hair wigs, but ultimately human hair wigs can get "greasy" if not washed regularly, which results in extra shine. I like a little shine in the hair because it makes it look healthier! Just so you know, synthetic does not mean your wig needs to look fake!!! There are enough affordable options out there for you to find the right one for you- don't settle!

In my opinion, synthetic hair is the perfect option for someone with short-term hair loss, someone with a lower budget, or someone who isn't quite sure what they want just yet! Because of the reasonable and affordable costs of synthetic wigs you could even opt to buy a few different styles and colors to change your look! Why, you could have a brunette bob one day and be a Carrie Underwood, blonde bombshell the next for less than the cost of the average human hair wig!

For me, human hair has been (hands down) the best option. Yes, it may be a little more costly... but I consider it to be a worthwhile investment! I wanted to know that I could change my hair style regularly, have "roots" painted in and low lights to give a more natural look, and I loved the idea of a custom fit wig! Human hair wigs need to  be treated very similar to that of a traditional person's hair. They need to be washed every now and then, they need moisture so they don't dry out, and they need to be trimmed to rid pesky split ends. But hey, if you haven't had hair in twelve years, like me, it isn't so bad to drop my wig off at the salon every other month to be "freshened up"!

With that being said- both synthetic and human hair are worthwhile options for any person! I own two synthetic pieces that I wear every so often! The largest factor in deciding between the two is cost. Yes, you can find reasonably priced human hair wigs! But, if you want to have a few different pieces in your repertoire to alternate between, or if you'd like to give wigs a test run- synthetics are definitely the way to go!

Both types are offered with well structured caps to keep you as comfortable as possible. Both are available in a variety of hair colors, so you are sure to find a close match to the color you want or had! Both can be lightweight (or heavy), as well as breathable. The biggest thing to understand is that you will never know how you feel in them until you try them on.

My suggestion is to visit's Provider Directory, and find one of the affordable retailers new you. Note: if there isn't one listed for your area, send me a message and I would be happy to find someone near you that you can trust! Next, start thinking about your price range and budget. Then, right down a list of what is important to you to find in a wig. Take that list with you to the shop, and decide with the retailer if a synthetic or human hair wig is the best option for you.

Do you have a favorite kind of wig? Or are you just beginning the process and are trying to figure that out? Visit Kayla's Corner for Women and Kids with Hairloss on Facebook and let me know what you think! Have a great week everyone!

Just for fun... Do you think these are synthetic or human hair? Answer here

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Does America need a Bald Barbie?

I haven't purchased a doll in such a long time! But, I do know there are many options out there for young girls to choose from. You have Bratz dolls (ironically named), Princess Diana dolls, and now maybe even Kardashian dolls. Little girls love to have a doll that resembles who they want to become, or someone they love and admire. Why else would a little girl buy a Cinderella or a Kardashian Barbie? You can find brunette dolls, blonde dolls, ethnic dolls, movie-themed dolls, career-influenced dolls, and so many more. When I was younger, every mother wanted to buy her daughter the doctor barbie, or some sort of career barbie with hopes that their daughter could begin imagining themselves in that path.

Recently, there has been a push for Mattel to create a bald Barbie doll. When reading this, I'm sure most of you are thinking- what an amazing idea! Why wouldn't they create it??? My thought was, why would anyone be opposed to this?

To my surprise, there are people out there who have shared a few negative points on the internet. I firmly believe everyone has a right to their own opinion, and I would never force my opinion upon someone else. But, I hope that giving a little insight into both sides of the field, will help people better understand the need for a bald Barbie, or lack thereof.

On the down side, some people believe it makes light of the severity that is behind most hair-loss-inducing conditions. Another point- will this bald Barbie theoretically be undergoing chemotherapy? Does she have Alopecia Totalis? Is she Britney Spears on an off day? People want clarity.

The biggest worry is that a company will reap the benefits of this beautiful symbol and that it will be created in vain. But, if they opt to create this doll, and then donate the proceeds to a worthy cause- will people be disappointed if the money goes to cancer research rather than a children's hospital,  or to Alopecia research instead of Trichotillomania support? My thought is that any money raised and donated to a worthy cause is completely worth the while.

I think the greatest gift that this Barbie could offer will be acceptance. For a young girl to own a bald Barbie, and see her as beautiful, would be a huge step. And the young girl whose mother is undergoing chemotherapy treatments could see that a bald head should not invoke fear. This doll could be a sense of hope and comfort. And for the girl who lost her hair from Alopecia Universalis to see that she can be beautiful and happy, just like this Barbie, may set the tone for her own outlook on the rest of her life.

Mattel has been notified of the "Bald Barbie Movement" and responded to the LA Times by saying,
"Mattel appreciates and respects the passion that has been built up for the request for a bald Barbie doll. As you might imagine, we receive hundreds of passionate requests for various dolls to be added to our collection. We take all of them seriously and are constantly exploring new and different dolls to be added to our line. "

I say, now is the perfect time for a beautiful, bald doll! Every child at the Children's Miracle Network Hospitals, every child at the National Alopecia Areata Foundation's Conference and every woman who has lost her hair from one condition or another would never forget this gesture of showing America that even the most iconic representative of perfect beauty can be bald, too.

What do you think? Is it time for a bald Barbie? Or would trouble lay ahead? Comment on the Facebook Group, Kayla's Corner for Women & Kids with Hair Loss or Tweet me @MissDelaware10!